Colombia vs Britain-Driving Etiquette 

Ive kept my eyes peeled and this is what I’ve learnt.

See somebody you recognise:
Colombia- beepbeeppp 
Britain- nothing

See somebody you like the look of:
Colombia- beepbeeepppbeeppppp 
Britain- nothing (unless you have a van)

See a car you like:
Colombia- beeepppppppppp 
Britain- nothing 

See a policeman:
Colombia- beepbeeeppbeppppp 
Britain- nothing 

See your best mate:
Colombia- beeepbeppppebeppppvepp (get out regardless of where you are and have a hug) 
Britain- bepbep 

Regarding the white lines on the road:
Colombia- ‘¿que?’
Britain- they clearly mark out the road so there are two clear directions of traffic 

Regarding a family riding on the roof of a v8 van:
Colombia- ‘sisisisi waaahooooooo!!!’
Britain- ‘Ms, we’ve just called childline – they’re taking away your children.’

Regarding overtaking a car on a blind corner:
Colombia- ‘sisisisi waaahooooooo!!!’
Britain- clearly risky and frankly plain stupid. 

Regarding a van with side and rear doors that fly open every 10miles:
Colombia- Ehhhhh that gaffa tape should hold for at least another 100K miles
Britain- Your van is scrap.

Regarding a drummer sitting on the dashboard and playing while driving along: 
Colombia- ‘sisisisi waaahooooooo!!!’
Britain- ‘Hahahaa youre winding me up’

Regarding an unforgivable mistake performed by the car in front:
Colombia- death. (just to be clear worrying people this is only a joke)


La Piedra – The best view in the world 


The worlds most dangerous city 

1 Comment

  1. Mum

    This is so funny Alex

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