Yep, that’s right. I also found Nemo and every other fish they’ll do in future editions of that film.

Speedboat to Rosario islands (about 20miles away) and the snorkelling was AMAZING. I’m told there are better places in the world but I was just blown away. My guide wasn’t bad either, he didn’t speak a word of English but coral tunnels which looked hugely dangerous to swim through were no problems for him.
Great shame I had no waterproof camera – speedboat and island shots will have to suffice

Free fish lunch they told me. It’s all included with the snorkelling and a great Caribbean lunch they said. Well it certainly felt authentic as the fish stared straight back at me from the plate.

Well we’re now at a hotel for a second night in Antofagasta waiting for my poor food poisoned stomach to recover from what I can only assume was that meal
