4.30am start to get to the Bolivian salt flats before sun rise. Turns out the winning part of this was watching the moon go down.

Moon one side of what was once an island and this sun rise on the other.

Temporaliy stole the flag. I gave it back. Honest.


Speedy ganzalo our tour driver had all the mechanical sympathy of a drunken ape (or so I thought). I was utterly convinced at some point during our long 60kph sessions over super rough ground that something would break. It didn’t. It made some loud crashing noises and that’s about it. Land cruisers are tough. I see why they dominate Bolivia.

Gonzalo the don pictured here. The sheer space of the salt flats blows the mind. At one point he switched off the lights and continued to drive at motorway speed completely blind for at least 20mins. The only indication we were moving was the tyre roar and occasional bump

The train graveyard of no health and safety. I took full advantage and climbed up onto the rusted old British built steam train. Getting down was less easy..