That’s what my parents always say. Well we just paid £3 for the 4.5hr bus from Uyuni to Potosi. Bolivia is cheap, but still, bargain right? Wrong.
Now let’s run through all the things that could go amiss on this long, pitch black mountain road. We could have an accident, well that’s clearly awful. I could be horrendously car sick- not the best. Could get lost? Again not great. Or the bus could break down? Bingo. That’s exactly what happened.

The joke is, I seemed to have the only half decent torch on the bus and tried to help by shining it through the engine hatch while this chap furiously hit the fuel pump with a broom stick handle. Yup that’s right- Bolivian engineering, the best a man can get.

I said pumping fuel pump in video. He wasn’t at all, he was simply bashing it while we drove along to keep the bus going. The moment he stopped, the engine stopped. We continued to drive like this for a mile or two until finally it seemed to work by itself.