The worlds most dangerous road. 56kms,  600m drops and 300 deaths a year. Probably not a road you should consider using if you’re accident prone. The Bolivians have finally recognised this and built another (safer) road – you’d have to be plain stupid to use the old one.

Here I am cycling down it:

There is a scene in top gear where clarkson passes a car under a waterfall – I’m pretty sure it was here:

Right near the end was this little orange juice stand run by a girl who can’t have been more than about 12. I fancied one, paid my 4 bolivianos and then immediately regretted it as she proceeded to climb a tree to get an orange right next to the big drop. I really wasn’t bothered enough for someone to climb a tree but it was at least a good orange juice!

Strange fact about death road: They all start driving on the left because heavily loaded trucks coming from la Paz needed to be kept away from the edge to minimise accidents. Fool proof plan.

Infrequent blog posts due to shocking internet connections.