~2000 years old, the city of Petra grew rich through trading. I’m not sure what they traded, but judging by the place, it was some valuable shizzle.

You enter through the Siq gorge, an impenetrable natural city wall which guides you towards the city in a welcoming cool temperature. It must be over a mile before you arrive at the iconic treasury.

This is the treasury. It’s stunning. You aren’t even seeing the whole thing. A whole floor is now underground (often mistaken as a basement). The condition of the thing, especially given its age, it’s ridiculously good. Apparently the Siq has protected it from wind and rain and my goodness. What a sight. Shame you aren’t allowed in. I guess they want to protect the condition – or they don’t want you drinking from the holy grail.

The cathedral looks pretty similar to the treasury. the condition really isnt anywhere near the same close up though

Another worthy wonder of the world.

Bonus Petra! Once upon a time, you could pay some money and go sleep in one of Petra’s many caves. You can’t do this anymore, however, what you CAN do IS walk into Petra at night lit by candles! I’ve already mentioned how long the Siq is – that’s a lot of candles. I guess if you didn’t mind a cheesy line, you could call it pretty magical!