The desert made famous by Thomas Edward Lawrence – Lawrence of Arabia.

In 1914, the Ottoman Empire sided with Germany in WW1. The British reacted by withdrawing their long term policy of support to Ottoman colonial rule in the area and supported Arab revolts led by Sherif Hussein’s four sons.

The Lawman was dispatched as an Intelligence officer to work out which son would make the best leader. He decided on Sherif Feisal and was formally assigned to him as an adviser. Together, they successfully seized both Akaba and Damascus from the Ottoman’s.

As for as I’m concerned, that was far too much running around. Camels are wayyyy too uncomfortable for that.

Jordanians really need a to pick plug. British or EU. Which do you fancy using today?

Is this fire too big for a tent? Had me worried for a bit.

Got to love an old Land Cruiser.