Lets not beat about the bush. Jordanian driving is utterly shocking. Up until now, the most buttock clenching driving experience I’ve ever had is driving through the centre of Athens in rush hour. It trumped Rome easily. Jordan’s roads smack those two into the middle of next week.

The thing is, after a little time, you can recognise that the hyper beep overly aggressive style kind of works. If somebody cuts you up, you cut up the person behind and so the knock on affect goes. The consistency sort of brings you comfort – and my goodness, when you feel comfortable, you certainly are rewarded.

There really are some rolling scrap heaps floating about.

If you’re a keen driver, you could consider Jordan a bit of a hidden gem. The highlight of this is our drive south along the Dead Sea Highway. Smooth, quiet and serene roads with stunning views to the west. If you want views though, wait until Highway 60.

Highway 60. A steep, snaking ribbon of tarmac which slowly turned from epic driving fun to epic sightseeing fun. I could not recommend this route highly enough.


I did wonder if it was disrespectful to take photos of some of the many shacks. This was at full zoom.