A chill day this was. That was the plan. It started out that way nicely. I sat and drank tea in a guest house while waiting for my camera to charge. Neil, feeling slightly mental, went for a sunrise photo explore. I can 100% guarantee I enjoyed my tea more.

Kvernufoss was the mid afternoon trip. The Icelandics who showed us the way suggested we needed crampons. We showed them. Bear Grylls and Ray Mears remember.

Pretty serious looking ice daggers.

The view from the lighthouse wasn’t half bad. Rock arch one side, black beach the other.  

The next morning, we returned for sunrise. This may have been a mistake. It was slightly windy.

Well, I guess ‘slightly windy’ probably doesn’t quite cover it. The wind was outrageous. Worst I’ve ever encountered. The heavier blasts took about 3 steps forward to recover composure. Couple that with -7C and ice everywhere – it certainly made it interesting.