The British can’t name things for toffee. In 2016, the public voted to name the lead ‘autosub’ operated by the British Antarctic Survey ‘Boaty McBoatface’.

In 1770, things were no different. Lt James Cook had a little bump with a reef. He later named this ‘Endeavour Reef’. Utterly exhausted from pumping the water from the ship, Cook landed on a beach. What did he call this? ‘Weary Bay’. What could the nearby mountain be called? ‘Mt Sorrow’.

So now; ship kinda repaired, Cook sets back off on his way, past ‘Hope Islands’ and up ‘Endeavour River’.

It’s an emotional name calling rollercoaster. If I find an island it’s totally being called ‘NeedaCuppa Island’.

Anyway, here is the Daintree rain forest.

A solid 9.5/10 for this spider’s camouflage.

These guys are peppermint insects. Their defence is apparently a nice minty spray. Bad smelling for insects. Probably pretty good for humans.

Teenager croc. Crocs eat crocs (including their young). This dude was just chilling further down the river away from the prime spots. Apparently he must wait until he’s a little bigger before he makes his mark in downtown croc land.