A morning of beach yoga. An afternoon of surfing. An evening of Mexican food. I won’t have it said that they don’t all go perfectly together.

My new yoga/surfing pal and I decided the beach walk would be the perfect way to get back to the hostel. Perhaps not.

We had around 1.5 miles to walk with no real way to get off the beach other than to go backwards. This was the only time I’ve ever been scared by a thunderstorm. It was not exactly an ideal place to be. Didn’t feel very Bear Grylls. We ended up hot footing it.

Hostel looked like it was going to flood at one stage!


A smattering of miscellaneous.

This, amusingly enough, is how I paid for my Cape Tribulation tour; in a lay-by. This guy even had a card machine. My fellow minibus passengers literally fell about laughing.


‘Fancy a walk?’, says my bunk buddy, Fiona, the other morning. ‘Sure’, I said, I could use a walk. Good to see the pretty gardens in Cairns too. 18km and one ginormous lizard later, this is all I have to show for it.