Today did not go smoothly. I’m pretty hopeless at life when I’m hungry and tired. Today was no exception.

Wake up, check date, pack up, strip bed, put bags in locker, check out of hostel. Simple. The hostel receptionist, however, struggled with that last bit. He struck me as a character better suited to selling mobile phones – hopefully you can better picture the dude. There was payment confusion and check out confusion. While he unconfused himself, I went to grab myself a flat white (apparently invented here in Melbourne).

One sip into my coffee and oh. The date on my phone doesn’t match the date on my watch. Oh dear. I’m trying to check out a day early. It was impossible not to look like an utter moron as I went back to the guy to explain. Damn.

Keen to get myself out of the hostel immediately, I found a free walking tour around 2.5miles from where I’m staying and headed out.

System goes: check google maps, read sign stating ‘free city tram zone’, board tram. Again; simple.

Two stops in, I realise I may need a ‘Myki’ card to use trams. I hop off and a bunch of no sense of humour policeman and train officer people robustly confirm. They said my excuses for not paying could be decided in court.

It took me 15 buttock clenching minutes before I managed to talk my way out of that. Damn. Uber was the saviour in the end.

Here is some of the walking tour pics:

As a bonus, our guide mentioned about the Penguins which nest in the rocks after sunset in St Kilda at this time of year. So cute!!

Thankfully I was accompanied by my new walking tour buddy Sarah. Beer and pointing at penguins improved my day dramatically.
