Category: Chile

Antofagasta- Polite people, a dog and not much else

The Colombians were fantastic throughout. Utterly helpful in every respect. Well the Chileans have matched them.

So we arrive in the worlds worst airport at 4am. No cab rank, no wifi, no English information, no nothing. So how do you get from the worlds deadest airport to a hotel? Answer: Get the nice check in staff to book us a local cab (Shahds idea- Id had enough and was ready to sleep in the airport). The driver was a ‘don’t mess with with me’ looking chap, he was fab though, we overpaid and he insisted on not taking the money, then left the cab in the dark to help us find our weird little hotel AND stayed to explain to the hotel owner (who we’d just woken up 👍) that we needed a room. Top man. We tipped him well.

This path was way more intimidating in the dark.

Doesn’t matter where you go, you will always find those Golden Arches

As we walked around the town of emptiness a dog appeared and started to follow us. He’d walk ahead, then look back. Walk ahead, then look back. Cross the road, then look back. If we stopped he’d stop and look up at us. We decided to call this dog Peter. Peter was our best friend, our guardian angel. After about 2hrs we really all had bonded. Even his flees we could overlook. Then Peter attacked a cyclist. The cyclist (understandably) shouted at me because he thought it was my dog. Peter could no longer be our friend. 🙁

Money money money 

178,000 Colombian peso, 46,000 Chilean peso, 250 Peruvian sol, some USD, GBP & Euro. It looks like enough for a convincing rap music video. 

In reality it should be just about enough for a few nights in a hostel. Until then I’ll continue to pretend I’ve worn the lottery woohoooo 

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