Category: Norway

Dear boss…

…it snowed, my car got buried, I can’t get to work. I can’t imagine that line would wash in Norway.

I was pretty impressed when I saw this:

But then I saw this…

Just to be clear, that’s a Ford Transit. A van. Vans are big. They are difficult to bury.

That’s a lot of snow. And just to quantify a lot…

Why you no’ there Rora?!

Every trip I do, I find some time to hit up a blog post. It’s good. It helps summarise my thoughts. I often wonder if the few hits I get are just my Mum hitting the refresh button, but you know, who cares.

This trip, however, it’s been tough. Neil and I are committed to the cause. No mucking around. Up for sunrise photos in optimum photo locations. Out late, prepped for Aurora (Northern lights) until late. Both of us have been powered by cheap petrol station pizza to cut costs. (Norway’s food is wallet damaging).

We outdid ourselves two nights ago. After finding we missed a great Aurora show the day before. We stationed ourselves at Uttakleiv beach for 4hrs – exactly where our Aurora app told us to go. It was a no show once again. Blast.

Anyway, here are some mere daytime photos with no Aurora:

Saw this. Instantly wanted it. It’s 4wd too.

Lancia Delta Integrale. Wasn’t going to miss that either. I think I may have just found my perfect 2 car Norwegian garage.

Nope. It cannot be that cold.

-20c. That cannot be right. I’m not even sure a cup of tea could cure that kind of chill. Blimey. This trip, however, we don’t need to worry about temperatures.

This trip, we worry about Aurora. More specifically; where we can grab a good picture of it.

Anyway, welcome to Lofoten!

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