Rainy Bogota

Boogota, bogota, bogotar. I simply cannot remember how to pronounce this city. Maybe now I can blame the altitude or the smog like air quality. Despite the rain this place does have a real buzz though-locals have been lovely!!

Military plodding about (no seriously, they had plastic bags and looked like they’d been shopping) 

IT that I’m not expected to fix!!

The connecting flight started off great with nothing to complain about apart from my broken flight entertainment (which you’ll be thrilled to know did eventually boot up and start working) 👍

The turbulence got pretty nasty later on though- maybe like being in one of those zorb ball things and thrown down a hill. No that is NOT an exaggeration I promise- it was enough to make me sick 3 times!! Disgusting, unpleasant and deeply embarrassing. Made it eventually though yayyyyyy!!

Nearly there then…

Pretty!!! No idea where it is though. Top one Cayman Islands maybe?

Money money money 

178,000 Colombian peso, 46,000 Chilean peso, 250 Peruvian sol, some USD, GBP & Euro. It looks like enough for a convincing rap music video. 

In reality it should be just about enough for a few nights in a hostel. Until then I’ll continue to pretend I’ve worn the lottery woohoooo 

So I copped out.

My travel blog has been created.

Lots of themes, tags/comments/categories built in and even an iPhone app, WordPress is so easy to use it feels like cheating. I’ll only have my trusty phone. Editing ajstan.com HTML with this would be a bit like running with your shoe laces tied together.

I’m sorry fellow IT professionals, I copped out.






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