So we had a scary evening

5min walk to a trip advisor recommended restaurant for dinner. What could possibly go wrong? 

Well 2mins away from the hostel we’re walking along and a local lady (with pretty good English) and a dog comes rushing up to us, wide eyed shouting ‘this is not safe, what are you doing!!!’ ‘Oh my gosh’ she says while hitting her head with her hand ‘stupid tourists- do you have valuables’. ‘Oh my gosh there are 8men with knives you stupid tourists, ohhh my goshh’ 

Frankly, I found the beady eyed lady more scary than the prospect of 8 knife wielding men which says a lot. She did seem completely and utterly crazy. 

Either way, as the hostel was still in sight we bravely headed back up the hill and got the hostel owner to order us pizza 😁


Forget casinos


Bogota street art

1 Comment

  1. Mum

    Good god Alex!!

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