Yesterday’s hard work was rewarded!

Success!!! Today, the day was started the right way. With a cup of tea. Iceland rewarded us. The sun rose so slowly over Godafoss, even I, captain useless at photography, was able to pull out some good stuff!!

Neil, seen here, hand frozen, committed to advertising a wooden watch. I did try and tell him wood was for furniture and sheds and stuff. He wouldn’t have it. He was punished with eternally frozen hands. (Although this may have also been the lack of gloves).

Two videos here serve as a reminder as to how quick it can change. One moment taking photos. Next minute, your face really hurts and the tripod has fallen over.

The cold destroys batteries. I came up with a solution for the Go Pro during Neil’s drone flight.

Myvatn Geothermal bath. Winner.

The first drone footage we have!! The wind was bearable, nothing was falling from the sky and my god, the guy driving the car here looks skilled.


The snowy dream got a bit soggy


Blimey. Another snow storm is here!


  1. Bubba J Shrimp

    Looks amazing man, this blog is working out really well

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